Second opinion
Second opinion
The Second Opinion service is included as a key component of every assignment People Impact carries out. Four areas of application are described below.
We have extensive experience conducting second opinion processes and are proud of our ability to design encounters in which openness and trust shape the conditions for well-founded assessments.
1. Second Opinion as an aspect of an end-to-end recruitment assignment
We provide a second opinion as a key component of the final phase of our recruitment assignments, aimed at assuring quality and verifying a match with agreed qualifications.
2. Second Opinion as a separate service
Second Opinion is also provided a separate service when our client has already identified a short list of candidates or a final candidate is being objectively compared to an internal candidate, for example. With regard to internal recruitment processes, People Impact as a neutral external party can strengthen the client’s decision process with a second opinion by providing valuable information.
3. Potential assessment
Second Opinion can also be used as an assessment instrument when selecting candidates for high-potential programmes, trainee programmes or the like.
4. Management audit
Second Opinion is a useful approach to auditing the strengths, weaknesses and potential of a management group. This might be done, for example, to give a new CEO a rapid overview of the potential of the management group or to examine management in general as an aspect of imminent changes within or outside the company. Second Opinion can also be used as an incisive tool in preparation for a management development process.
What is included in a second opinion?
A second opinion is always linked to general or specific performance expectations, which may vary depending on the purpose of the assessment. We assess how well the individual matches these expectations in terms of skill and experience as well as personality, working methods, values and driving forces.
Before the Second Opinion, relevant tests are performed, which are either recommended by us or requested by the client. People Impact is certified for most personality tests and problem solving tests.
The core of a Second Opinion assessment is an in-depth interview, where we explore the individual’s working methods and attitudes in a structured manner and with clear links to expectations. People Impact consultants are senior and experienced: each and every one has carried out between 1,500 and 2,000 in-depth assessments over a period of 15 to 20 years.
In connection with a Second Opinion process, we give clear feedback to the interviewee and our goal is that an in-depth interview with People Impact should also feel like a personal investment for the candidate, regardless of the outcome. Based on our vast experience in performing Second Opinion assessments, we are able to create favourable conditions for a meeting in which the candidate feels seen and understand for who they really are.
Where relevant, we also take references linked to the Second Opinion.